About Knit Knots

Chagrin Falls, OH, United States

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Back on Track

Off to The Knit Shop tomorrow to get yarn for Andy's Skull Sweater.  Large men's sweater.   Awesome.  Send us pictures when you get it, Andy!

Also, planning a playdate with the Chef's Widow, Catcher, and Lulu.  Little wine for the mommies and lots of room for the crazy kids to run around and play.

Found an awesome new detergent.  Cleans like nobody's business, environmentally friendly, only use a table spoon per load!  Awesome!  Charlie's Soap.  Scott works at a machine shop and his clothes always smell when he gets home and there are stains from the shop that were there for some time.  Finally got them out with this stuff.  Awesome.  Can I use that word too much?  Probably, but it really is amazing!

So, our poor neighbor...

Kristin, my friend, known from now on as "Mrs. Kravitz" ( yes, it is a Bewitched reference), was at my house this afternoon, and she looked out the front window, and saw a tow truck.  In and of itself not a big deal, but the flatbed towtruck somehow managed to get stuck in the neighbor's yard.  Still not sure how that happened.  Four hours, and half of the downed branches in the neighborhood later, they finally pulled the flatbed tow truck out.  Unfortunately, for the neighbor, the drivers tore the yard up because they had to unload the minivan that was on the flatbed to get out of the muck.  After getting the towtruck out, they winched the minivan out over the mud.  Yuck!   Should I be a good neighbor?

For all of you in the Cleveland area, DO NOT ever call S&N Towing Company!      

Sorry neighbor!

Also, please don't wear your PJ's to Starbucks in the morning, and if you must, pair them with your bunny slippers to complete the look.

Alright.  That is it for today.

Love to all.

Dori and Emese

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